Frühe Sozialisationserfahrungen
AVERDIJK, M. et al.: The relationship between quantity, type, and timing of external childcare and child problem behaviour in Switzerland.
BACHMANN, C.J. et al.: The cost of love: financial consequences of insecure attachment in antisocial youth
FORST,F.; ICHINO,A.; ZANELLA,G.: Cognitive and Non-cognitive-costs-of-daycare 0-2 for Girls.
FRIES, A.B.W. et al.: Neuroendocrine Dysregulation Following Early Social Deprivation in Children.
GROSSMANN, K. E., GROSSMANN,K.:Die Qualität der Bindungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die individuelle Anpassungsfähigkeit im Lebenslauf. Vortrag Tagung Verantwortung für die Familie e.V., Burg Rothenfels, 03.07.2004.
HART, B. u. RISLEY, T.R.: The Thirty Million Word Gap.
JÄKEL, J. et al.: Resilienz im Vorschulalter: wie stark kann die familiäre Leseumwelt biologische und soziokulturelle Entwicklungsrisiken kompensieren?
LAW, B.J. et al.: The Pediatric Investigators Collaborative Network on Infections in Canada study of predictors of hospitalization for respiratory syncytial virus infection for infants born at 33 through 35 completed weeks of gestation.
NURIA,K. et al.: Early childhood deprivation is associated with alterations in adult brain structure despite subsequent environmental enrichment
SPENGLER, R.: Frühkindliches Trauma programmiert für Depression.
SCHUEZ-HAVUPALO, L.: Psychosocial and environmental influences in early childhood and their relation to respiratory tract infections
Building Babies’ Brains Through Play: Mini Parenting Master Class
XIA, M. et al.: A Developmental Perspective on Young Adult Romantic Relationships: Examining Family and Individual Factors in Adolescence.
Antidepressiva bei Jugendlichen erhöhen das Diabetesrisiko.
Kakao verbessert Hirndurchblutung und kognitive Leistungen
PAQUETTE, A.F.: The human milk component myo-inositol promotes neuronal connectivity
Extreme Heat Affects Early Childhood Development and Health
Depressionen führen zu Lernstörungen
BURN, F.K. et al.: Role of grandparenting in postmenopausal women's cognitive health: results from the Women's Healthy Aging Project
Extreme Heat Affects Early Childhood Development and Health
HEYMANN, M.B. et al.: Fruit Juice in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Current Recommendations.
Medien/Computer und Jugendgewalt
BRUSHE, M.E. et al.: Screen Time and Parent-Child Talk When Children Are Aged 12 to 36 Months.
DOUGLAS, A.G.: Langzeitstudie zur Videogewalt (engl.).
HOPF, W.H. et al.: Mediengewalt und Jugendgewalt.
MÖLLER, I., KRAHE, B.: Exposure to Violent Video Games and Aggression in German Adolescents: A Longitudinal Analysis.
PFEIFFER,Ch. et al.: Computerspielabhängigkeit.
HULL, J.G. et al.: A Longitudinal Study of Risk-Glorifying Video Games and Behavioral Deviance.
ZHOU,F., MONTAG,Ch. et al.: Computerspielen führt zu einer Reduktion des Hirnvolumens
UN: General assembly Rejects Controversial Sex Ed Programming, Launches Anti-Bullying Campaign.
Eccles, H. et al.: Mental Disorders and Suicidality in Transgender and Gender-Diverse People.